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The Gratitude, Grace & Vision Journey for today’s Woman

Gratitude Leads to Grace while activating your Vision!

Join Psychotherapist Tasha Ganthier on a year-long intimate gratitude journey to activating your life’s vision.

Gratitude has been proven to be a fundamental tool towards, happiness and personal success.

Gratitude is the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness. It has been scientifically found to benefit our emotional health, physical health, relationships, and career goals. When we show the smallest appreciation in what we experience and have accomplished daily, we can foster the power of grace and trigger great vision in our lives.

Gratitude has helped Tasha in her own personal journey. She has been able to envision and attain her own successful business, consult with other organizations, and coach individuals to identify, affirm, and achieve goals; while being guided by vision.

Starting on January 1st you will have a personal guide to the gift and visionary power of gratitude.

Gratitude has changed the lives of many visionaries we know today and many we know from our past. It has proven to be a necessary part of daily practice in order to maintain balance and hope to fulfill future goals.

The journey outline

- A personal custom journal will be provided.

- Participants will have access to video and/or audio updates from Tasha about how to harness the power of gratitude.

- Participants will receive weekly research and scientific readings to motivate their daily practice.

- Weekly exercises will help to affirm the power and need for gratitude daily.

- Updates from participants about their personal breakthroughs will be posted.

- Tasha will schedule personal check-ins with each participant to help with their personal journey.

-Participants will also attend virtual break-out groups with other participants to process their gratitude journey and find support by discussing the nuances and challenges along the way.

Tasha will finally assist participants in creating their life vision statement using affirmation and mantra statements.

At the end of this process, participants will be invited to a Gratitude celebration. Location and date in Charlotte to be determined. This will allow participants to meet in person and toast to their achievements and personal break troughs throughout the year.

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